Date Oct 7 2023
Belts are being shipped now!
Here's a sneak peak at some of the first few orders being shipped -
There was a 3 month delay - instead of delivering belts by the end of July, we are now going to delivery then by the end of October. Basically, everything that could get delayed, did. Between July and September, there were delays on every front! Next time around, we will not face most of these delays for sure, as you learn with experience. Wickett&Craig took an extra 20 days than promised to get the leather ready. FedeX took two weeks to "Activate" our account to start importing. Our bank took 15 days to "Make a Payment" to W&C. And these happened one after the other, not in parallel, plus sprinkled with other stalling processes such as 7 days to update our shipping address to match the Aadhaar address word for word in the GST system.
Luckily the customs processing was smooth. Thank god!
Date: Jun 12 2023
We have placed an order for leather from Wickett and Craig. They started working on it on May 16th. They are in the process of making a batch for us, and we will hear back from them soon.
It takes 4-5 weeks to create vegetable tanned leather, the process is slow and results in a beautiful, firm leather that gets a wonderful patina with use.
We have to respect their process, good things take time. In the meantime, we are getting our workshop setup ready to make these belts.
You have to take a look at this immersive process at their tannery where our vegetable tanned leather is being made as I write this! View Process at Tannery.
Date: May 2, 2023
Thank you backers, for making the Lifetime Belts Campaign a huge success. We will keep you updated on the sourcing and making progress.
70 backers pledged ~ Rs. 630k to bring the lifetime belts into being.
Because we got such a significant number of pre-orders, it is now feasible to import leather from Wickett&Craig, and to offer 4 color options.
Date: April 25
The much awaited Black Belts are here. You can place your order at this link -
Date: April 22
For those awaiting BLACK, we will be launching Black leather belts soon! Stay tuned.
Women's Lifetime Belts are now LIVE!
Date: April 19
Women's Lifetime Belts are launching this weekend!
Also, stay tuned for more color options.
40% funded, two weeks into the campaign. Got a long way to go, and we are bringing some exciting new things into the mix.
Date: April 10, 2023
Funding Status - We have been 34% funded, with just a week into the campaign. Thank you, backers for the phenomenal support!
We will leave no stone unturned to hit 100% by May 1st. This will enable us to offer the Black leather option and also add more buckle options to the mix.
Date: April 9, 2023
Leave a comment if you want to make any suggestions!1. Should we offer belts in Black?
Hmm...we want to include Black in our offerings, but not sure what the response will be like for Black. If you want to participate in our Campaign, but would only go for Black, let us know!!
Here's a Black beauty from Craft & Lore, (pic from their website) and we would like to offer something like this in Black. The buckle is a really high quality plating which will not scratch or peel.
2. What is the Russet leather color like?
Many have asked about the Russet color, and for more pictures. We don't have the Russet leather in stock at this time, neither any belt blanks to take pictures with, but I hope these following photos will give better understanding of how the Russet color looks -

The above photo is from the Wickett and Craig tannery. Over time, the Russet color will darken with exposure to sunlight and the elements. Depending on how much it is used, it could darken significantly, or not as much.
3. How does the belt look in direct sunlight? Here are a couple of videos showcasing the Mahogany and the Buck Brown.
Video of Mahogany Belt in full direct sunlight
The video seems saturated, the colors seem on the brighter side, but that's how the sun was at that time of the day. No editing done to the video.
Video of Buck Brown Belt in full direct sunlight
Notice that the leather seems to look very different in different lighting conditions. However, the whole broad spectrum of colors is perceived by our eyes as a medium brown color.